This document is used to track key technologies that are used in project development.
Technologies Category
Technology | Description | Purposes |
Name with Link | Short description of the technology. | For what purposes this technology is used in your project? |
Runespoorstack Tech Stack
Here you could see an example of the tech stack that is used in the Runespoorstack projects.
Static Web Apps
Technology | Description | Purposes |
Docusaurus | A project for building, deploying, and maintaining open source project websites easily. | Documentation static web apps. |
Code Quality and Organization
Technology | Description | Purposes |
Rush.js | A scalable monorepo manager for the web. | Key monorepository toolset, CI/CD driver. |
ESlint | Static code analyzer. | Source code linting, creating the sharable configs. |
Prettier | Code formatter. | Source code formatting, creating the sharable configs. |
TypeScript | Typed programming language that builds on JavaScript. | Everyone should find there own purpose. |