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Bug Issue Template

Here is an example of a Bug Issue template I commonly use on my projects. It is just an example and you could (should) adopt this template based on your project specific.

I suggest you use it in collaboration with GitHub, and GitLab abilities:

GitHub Template

name: 🐞 Bug Report
description: Something does not work or is flaky! let us know!
labels: ['type::bug', 'workflow::problem validation']
title: '[🐞]'
- type: markdown
value: |
Thanks for taking the time to fill out this bug report!

- type: dropdown
id: component
label: Which component is affected?
- Admin
- Server
required: true

- type: textarea
id: description
description: 'A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen instead. If you intend to submit a PR for this issue, tell us in the description. Thanks!'
label: Describe the bug
placeholder: Actual Resul ... Expected Result...

required: true

- type: input
id: reproduction
label: Reproduction
description: Please provide a link to a repo that can reproduce the problem you ran into. A [minimal reproduction]( is required ([Why?]( If a report is vague (e.g. just a generic error message) and has no reproduction, it will receive a "need reproduction" label.
placeholder: Reproduction URL
required: true

- type: textarea
id: reproduction-steps
label: Steps to reproduce
description: Please provide any reproduction steps that may need to be described. E.g. if it happens only when running the dev or build script make sure it's clear which one to use.

- type: textarea
id: system-info
label: System Info
description: Output of `npx envinfo --system --binaries --browsers`. [More details.](
render: shell
placeholder: System, Binaries, Browsers
required: true

- type: textarea
id: additional_information
label: Additional Information
required: false

Result in GitHub UI for Bug Reporting

Bug Issue Template