Engineering PlaybookCI/CDCI/CD PipelinesOn this pageCI/CD Pipelines Basic MR CI/CD Pipeline (FE) Basic Main CI/CD Pipeline (FE) CI/CD Pipeline Recommendations Set up it in the way to ensure that only a single job or workflow using the same concurrency group will run at a time. It will reduce costs spent on unnecessary jobs. GitHub Example. Parallelize jobs where possible. Tests parallelism Use Vitest with its parallelism out of the box. See Vitest Performance Parallelize tests by splitting them into multiple jobs by tests type: static, unit, component, integration. Parallelize long running jobs (component/integration tests) by splitting them into multiple shards. See Vitest Sharding CI Tools: PostHog. SonarCube. markdownlint, github-action-markdown-link-check, write-good Dependabot. Danger Codecov. Copy-Paste analyzer commitlint conventional-changelog lint-staged dep-tree unimported bundlesize srollup-plugin-visualizer tsup github-slack Useful GitHub Actions setup-node checkout first-interaction labeler release-action git-auto-commit-action download-artifact upload-artifact actions-gh-pages codecov-action