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Changelog Manager: Tech Insights

Note: This CLI is designed to work with Continuous Integration / Trunk Based Development workflows.

What is the problem?

  • The problem over changelog and semantic versioning management in single repositories.


@runespoor/changelog-manager CLI package. With the following functionality allowed by rune command`:

rune change

Description: Asks a series of questions and then generates a <branchname>-<timestamp>.json file in the common folder. The apply command will consume these files and perform the proper version bumps. Note these changes will eventually be published in a file in the root of the repository. The possible types of changes are: MAJOR - these are breaking changes that are not backward compatible. Examples are: renaming a public class, adding/removing a non-optional parameter from a public API, or renaming a variable or function that is exported. MINOR - these are changes that are backward compatible (but not forward compatible). Examples are: adding a new public API or adding an optional parameter to a public API PATCH - these are changes that are backward and forward-compatible. Examples are: Modifying a private API or fixing a bug in the logic of how an existing API works. NONE - these are changes that are backward and forwards compatible and don't require an immediate release. Examples are Modifying dev tooling configurations like eslint.

When to run the command?

  • Before each Merge Request or direct push to the main branch.


rune change

Optional arguments:

Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-t, --targetBranch <source-branch-name> name of the target branch
-i, --issueLinkPattern <issue-link-pattern> pattern to generate issue link (leave {{issueId}} placeholder in the correct link place)
-r, --remoteName <origin> name of the git remote

` Functionality:

  • Should fetch the latest changes from the remote repository.
  • Should get the current branch name and target branch name (main/master) or use the provided target one.
  • Should ask to describe the changes. Message: Describe the changes:.
  • Should ask to select the changes type: minor / major / patch / none (described below). Message: Choose the changes type:.
  • If the issue link pattern is provided, should ask to enter the issue id. Message: Enter the issue id:.
  • Should create the change file.
    • File name should follow the convention: <branch-name>_yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss-ms.json.
    • File should be located in the <root>/changes directory.
    • File should have the following specific structure (described below).
    • If there were no new commits comparing with the default branch (main or master) or the provided target one, should print the following message and exit with status code 0: Info: No new commits found in the current branch. Please make sure you have committed your changes and your branch is ahead of origin/main
    • If the change file already exists, should ask if the user needs to overwrite it. Message: The change file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (y/n). If user chooses n, the command will be finished with status code 0. If user chooses y, the command will continue, the new change file should be generated and the old one should be deleted.

Additional info:

The possible types of changes are:

  • minor - these are breaking changes that are not backward compatible. Examples are: renaming a public class, adding/removing a non-optional parameter from a public API, or renaming a variable or function that is exported.
  • major - these are changes that are backward compatible (but not forward compatible). Examples are: adding a new public API or adding an optional parameter to a public API.
  • patch - these are changes that are backward and forward-compatible. Examples are: Modifying a private API or fixing a bug in the logic of how an existing API works.
  • none - these are changes that are backward and forward-compatible and don't require an immediate release. Examples are: Modifying dev tooling configurations like eslint.

Specific change file structure:

"comment": "<description>",
"type": "<major/minor/patch/none>",
"author": "GitUserName",
"issueLink": "<issue-link>"

rune verify

Description: Verifies that change files are provided and are valid.

When to run the command?

  • In the CI workflow on each Merge Request.


rune change

Optional arguments:

Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-s, --sourceBranch <source-branch-name> name of the source branch (required in the CI)
-t, --targetBranch <source-branch-name> name of the target branch
-r, --remoteName <origin> name of the git remote (required in the CI)


  • Should fetch the latest changes from the remote repository.
  • Should get the current branch name and default branch name (main/master) or use the provided once.
  • Should verify that there are new commits in the current branch comparing with the default branch or do the same with the provided source and target branches.
    • If there are no new commits, should print message and exit with status code 0: Success: No new commits found in the current branch. Change files are not required.
    • If verification fails, should print error message and exit with status code 1: Error: Failed to verify branch commits. Error: <error message>
  • Should verify that change file exists and follows the naming convention.
    • If change file doesn't exist, should print error message and exit with status code 1: Error: No change files found. Please run 'rune change' to generate change files.
    • If change file name is invalid, should print error message and exit with status code 1: Error: Invalid change file name. Expected format: <branch-name>_yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss-ms.json
  • If verification passes, should print success message with change file path and return the path: Success: Found change file: <change-file-path>

rune apply


Reads and processes project change requests generated by rush change, applies the description of the changes to the changelog file, bumps the version of the project, and makes the commit.

When to run the command?

  • On the Main CI pipeline.


rune apply [-h]

Optional arguments:

Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-t, --targetBranch <source-branch-name> name of the target branch(required in the CI)
-r, --remoteName <origin> name of the git remote


  • Should create changelog files if it doesn't exist.
  • Should get the date from change files names.
  • Should read change files data.
  • Should read package.json data to get current version.
  • Should bump the package version according to the change types:
    • If change type is none, should not bump the version.
    • If version bump fails, should print error message and exit with status code 1: Error: Failed to bump package version.
  • Should modify package.json with the new version.
  • Should modify changelog file with:
    • Bumped package version
    • Date from change file
    • Change type (MAJOR/MINOR/PATCH)
    • Comment from change file
    • Author name
    • Issue Link (if --issueLinkPattern was provided to rune change command)
  • Should delete the change file.
  • Should stage package.json and changelog files.
  • Should commit changes with message "chore(changelog): apply change file [ci skip]".
  • Should push changes to remote repository.

Additional info:

CHANGELOG.json structure:

"version": "<bumped version>",
"date": "<Tue, 28 May 2024 09:19:52 GMT>",
"type": "major/minor/patch/none",
"comment": "<comment-from-change-file>",
"author": "GitUserName",
"issueLink": "<issue-link>"
] structure:

# Change Log - <project-name>

This log was last generated on <Tue, 28 May 2024 09:19:52 GMT> and should not be manually modified.

## <bumped-version>
<Tue, 28 May 2024 09:19:52 GMT>



[Issue Link](<issue-link>) | Author: **GitUserName**

## <bumped-version>
<Tue, 28 May 2024 09:19:52 GMT>



Author: **GitUserName**

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context

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